
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Name Brands for Cheap @ $20 Grab Bag

My ongoing love affair with food and the constant lust to travel necessitate spending cuts in other areas of my life.  In my case, it usually means clothing.  I haven't been to the mall in over a year and I can't remember the last time I paid full price for clothes.  Expensive designer clothes do not rock my world so it works out okay for me.

I recently discovered Clothes Mentor $20 Grab Bag, my life...and fashion was forever changed.  Clothes Mentor sells gentle used designer and name brand clothes, accessories, and shoes for a discounted rate.  At the Grab Bag event, held twice a year, whatever you can fit into the provided grocery bag costs only $20!  I got more than 20 items in my bag last time, making it less than $1/piece.

Not all items in the store will be on sale as the the store will designate an area for this.  It's a very popular event so be prepared to fight the crowd!  It'll look something like this:

Clothes Mentor Taylorsville Road - Fall 
Clothes Mentor St. Matthews - Fall Sale
Treasure hunting!
I used to not like the idea of wearing used clothes, but after finding good quality clothes in great condition for less than $1, I'm having a hard time now buying clothes the traditional way.  My sister found a Vera Wang dress for $1 and I got an almost new cashmere sweater.  It makes sense economically and environmentally!

Want to give it a try? Here are the details for the Grab Bag event this weekend:

  • Saturday 2/28/2015: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
    Clothes Mentor - Taylorsville
    4064 Taylorsville Road
  • Sunday 3/1/2015: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 
    Clothes Mentor - St. Matthews
    291 North Hubbards Lane
Quick tips: Come right at opening to get the best pick, St. Matthews has a better selection.  Sign up for their newsletter to get updates on special sales. 
Also, both stores currently has a Dollar Days deal in which selected items are only $1.  Happy shopping! 

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